• We've got everything for a day in the office or a casual weekend

  • Your friend in the fashion business

  • We've got everything for a day in the office or a casual weekend

  • Your friend in the fashion business


We carry the largest selections of Canadian made mens suits and sport jackets in the area

  • Excellent

    Excellent sales experience by exceptionally knowledgeable individuals who care about the quality of your shopping experience. This results in your getting great fitting quality clothing. Very highly recommended

    B Savillle

  • Great selection of men's wear

    Great selection of men's wear

    A Hogan

  • Excellent service

    Excellent service great choice of clothing friendly staff

    P Novak

  • Customer Service

    Cutomer service and selection are awesome. Very helpful. Nice store too. For guys who have a little trouble shopping solo, this is the place to walk in.

    S Langstaff

  • Excellent

    Excellent sales experience by exceptionally knowledgeable individuals who care about the quality of your shopping experience. This results in your getting great fitting quality clothing. Very highly recommended

    B Savillle

  • Great selection of men's wear

    Great selection of men's wear

    A Hogan

  • Excellent service

    Excellent service great choice of clothing friendly staff

    P Novak

  • Customer Service

    Cutomer service and selection are awesome. Very helpful. Nice store too. For guys who have a little trouble shopping solo, this is the place to walk in.

    S Langstaff